Fun Friday Resources

It’s been a minute since I posted some resources! I’ve been traveling, and also I’ve been stuck in that limbo peculiar to all creative types who have nothing in their head trying to get out.

So here’s a tool that you (or I) could use to try to identify the kind of limbo in which you’re stuck: Visual Frameworks. It’s a collection of useful patterns, vividly illustrated.

For example: CAMPFIRE

Each framework’s page has a short description. CAMPFIRE’s description includes the following: “Are you feeling lost and alone? Look around. Are there any beacons of light out there in the darkness?  How might you create a campfire, a magnet for people to gather around, share, and connect?”

In other words, AUDIENCE, specifically SCENIUS. This framework jumped out at me — we had a Lichtenbergian Zoom meeting last weekend, the first in a long while, and it reminded me of how important sitting around the fire pit and talking to my fellow Lichtenbergians was to me, and how important it is for me to make that happen more often.

So go have a look. See if any of the sketches resonate with you. Find a framework that seems useful, and use it.