A Young Person's Cover

It occurred to me that any day now I could wake up to find the Introduction to A Young Person’s Guide to Lichtenbergianism in my inbox and would be ready to send it off to the publisher… except that it doesn’t have a cover either.

It had one, sort of, back when it was called Lichtenbergianism for Kids. As I’ve said before, designing covers for books or music is one of my favorite TASK AVOIDANCES. Although, of course, this isn’t a TASK AVOIDANCE, since the book itself is finished; it’s more of an assignment, which means I should be avoiding designing the cover by, I don’t know, fixing that “Sampler” music. Or something.

Anyway, here’s the old cover:

If I had actually written for that young an AUDIENCE, that would be an awesome cover. But since I actually wrote for the young adult crowd, it’s too cutesie.

So off I went looking for fonts and ideas. So far, this is what I’ve got:

Better, I think. More serious, still whimsical. It retains the subtitle and even manages to do a bit of explanation as well. It has a nice balance of the restrained and the slapdash.

We’ll see. I’ll take another run at it soon.