Happy New Blah!

If you’re like me — and a lot of the creative people I connect with on Mastodon [@Lichtenbergian@mastodon.sdf.org] — you’re getting antsy and anxious because the work is just not presenting itself. I’m twiddling my thumbs here, wondering where my creative spark is.

Part of the problem is the very simple fact that we have just emerged from the holidays and, lest we forget, a “holiday” back in the day meant that you took a break. No work, no responsibilities — eat lots, sing lots, dance some. In our late-capitalistic society, it’s easy to forget that.

But Dale, you will object, the holidays are over. Why aren’t you back to the salt mines? Why aren’t you working on those Proposed Efforts like a good Lichtenbergian, or at least working on something to avoid working on those Proposed Efforts like a good Lichtenbergian?

In my case, the answer is simple if a bit lame: My main project, the world premiere of William Blake’s Inn, is at the point where I have to start conning others into joining me on this fool’s errand. I have to have partners in this crime, and until I convince a critical mass of them there’s no point in devising ways to stage the thing. That process begins this month, and by “begins” I mean I will make first contact with my intended partners and ask for a meeting to discuss the project.

Shouldn’t I be working on something else in the meantime? TASK AVOIDANCE and all that?

Should” is such an ugly word, don’t you find? In any case, I hesitate to start anything new because TASK AVOIDANCE is one thing; overloading the docket is quite another. I don’t want to have to worry about working on Seven Dreams of Falling while William Blake’s Inn is ramping up.

There will be time enough for other projects if William Blake’s Inn fails to gain traction.