Fun Friday Resources

If you’ve ever wanted to start a blog but are put off by the complications and/or cost and/or intrusive technology/ads, then Mataroa may be for you. It describes itself as a “Naked blogging platform, for minimalists. Just write.” It seems simple to use, and it is completely free of all the bells and whistles that make sites like WordPress, SquareSpace, and others seem daunting to many users.

A monumental tree in thomasville, ga.

If you’ve been around here for any length of time, you know that I always recommend kanban as a method of getting on top of your to-do list: it’s dead simple and I’ve been told by many of my neurodivergent friends that it’s crucial to helping them not freak out over All The Things.

Bravestorming is a company that produces a really tactile version of kanban (although it doesn’t seem to be exactly that). It may be out of many people’s price range, but it looks promising for those who would find the literal moving of tasks and ideas around to be helpful

Everyone needs trees, and I don’t mean just because they produce oxygen for us. We need trees to commune with, to delight in, to hug. With, you can find hundreds of exactly that: monumental trees, findable and sortable by species, size, location, etc.

This popped up on Mastodon yesterday, and while I find the video’s title a little off-putting, it’s not wrong: This pendulum wave is HYPNOTIZING. [The editor in me would have changed that to HYPNOTIC. Whatever. Watch the video.]