Lichtenbergianism, a lecture

No, I’m not going to post a lecture on Lichtenbergianism. But I am going to present one this Saturday at Southern Arc Dance here in Newnan.

Southern Arc’s owner Paulo decided that they needed to do a day of wellness/spirituality/hippie woo workshops and asked if I could participate. (I’m directing their Midsummer, Apr 15, details to follow.)

I’m all about the hippie woo, so of course I said yes. It’s been quite a while since I’ve delivered such a workshop, and I’ve developed some new images/metaphors/instructional strategies, so building a new slide presentation is the present order of business.

For this particular workshop, I think I’m going to focus on Doing Art Wrong, i.e., getting over our silly preoccupation with perfection.

What is Lichtenbergianism, you ask? Here, have a poster you can print out and put on your wall next to your kanban. Have two! Also, buy the book.