A lesson in Abortive Attempts

A friend from Backstreet Arts has turned the wooded area behind her house into an art-full meander to memorialize her late son: Doc Park. At an event there earlier this year, it was suggested to me that a labyrinth would be a great addition to the park, and last Friday I went out to lay it out.

This peculiar triskelion pattern suggested itself as the best fit for the spot we picked out:

See all those little scribbles on it? Those were my feverish attempts to correct the idiotic errors I made right off the bat. They didn’t help — I screwed up all three loops one way or the other. I should have marked the map with the exact points I needed to use:

Something tells me it still would have been mind-bending.

Anyway, I and my trusty stripe-marking-device blundered our way through the pine straw, making merry mistakes all along the way.

In order to keep the path three feet wide, we had to swerve wide around some trees, and there are some stumps still in the way, but eventually I got it all done. (That sharp turn in the centers of the first two loops is a doozy, by the way.)

The next step will be to use stones/rocks to create the outline. This is where the GESTALT and SUCCESSIVE APPROXIMATION will come in, and any grotesqueries currently offending us will vanish.

I’ll keep you posted as it grows and develops.