I've been composing...

…and you know what that means: MOAR WHINING!

Not yet, actually. I haven’t really had to struggle yet. Instead, I’ve been going through all the folders and files in my MUSIC folder on the laptop and opening them up in Finale, 1) to update them to the latest version; and 2) to see if there’s anything I had forgotten about or could use.

And lo! there was tons.

First up, a little fragment that I had crapped out back when I was trying to be serious about SUN TRUE FIRE, the orchestral/choral extravaganza that I decided to create based on an epic 11-paragraph spam comment. (You will note my hopeful comment that I would try to compose this thing in 2015. ::sigh::)

I commented at the time I wrote it that this fragment would probably end up as one of the Ten Little Waltzes, and I think it’s time to call it. Since it wasn’t one of the original 19 ABORTIVE ATTEMPTS, it plucks T out of the lineup for its title.

“Little Waltz T” [pdf]

But wait, there’s more!

Also buried in the SUN TRUE FIRE folder was this fragment, an ABORTIVE ATTEMPT for the final stanza in the spam comment. It is quite lovely, and I have proposed finishing it as a piece for violin and piano at the suggestion of my cello teacher, Donna. (She’s a professional violinist.)

We’ll just call it “new piece” for now: pdf

More to come… I hope.

***update: Here’s that ended up.