Fun Friday Resources

Let’s do writing stuff this week.

All good Lichtenbergians already know the value of WASTE BOOKS, but in case you haven’t found your favorite yet try this list of 10 Best EDC Notebooks. [EDC = everyday carry] I was delighted to see that author Sean Tirman’s introduction makes exactly the point I make in Lichtenbergianism: electronic whizbang apps are okay, but pencil and paper really does make for faster, freer ideas.

Now that you have your WASTE BOOK, how will you use it? Journaling is one option, and Catherine Andrews gives you plenty of ideas how with her Favorite kinds of journaling for person growth.

There’s also sketchnoting, which I’ve always done, though not as elaborately as the article suggests. There’s always the chance that your collection of colored pens will outweigh your content. I feel the same way about bullet journaling.

Jacey Bedford talks about his overused words in a blogpost. His are back and just; mine would probably be and so or anyway. I like his tool for determining his overuse of words in his writing: make a wordle, that little word cloud that some blogs use (including mine) to show relatively how many posts are about each topic.

Need ideas? This idea generator is not much to look at, and it will definitely have you scratching your head as you say to yourself, How am I supposed to use this:

Screen Shot 2021-07-30 at 2.27.04 PM.png

… but the human mind being what it is, you’re already thinking of connections and ways to use a bomb in a bush with no dogs.

Finally, do you need to convert an epub to a pdf or vice versa (or any number of other formats)? Go here.

And come to the Alchemy Art Fundraiser tomorrow, Jul 31, to support the GALAXY Project!