I'm nobody! Who are you?

How many of these men have you heard of?

  • Jeff Bishop

  • Mike Funt

  • Marc Honea

  • Dale Lyles

  • Kevin McInturff

  • Ted Smith

You’ve heard of me, I trust (quick — which one is me?), but the others… probably not.


That’s because we’re nobodies. We’re just a bunch of small-town guys who decided fourteen years ago that we needed a reason to get together around my fire pit and drink and argue about art and stuff. We jokingly wrote up a charter, got together, signed it, and formed the Lichtenbergian Society.

We’re truly nobodies.

Yet of these six members of the Society, four have published at least one book and another is working on his first. One is an internationally recognized expert in play education/clowning. One has been a vice president of development for three major corporations. One’s work tickles both theatre nerds and Lacanian psychologists all over the world. One is a major contributor to southeastern indigenous studies.

We are — nonetheless — nobodies. We’re not famous, not followed by thousands online, not rolling in the royalties. No one interrupts our strolls about town with requests for selfies and autographs.

We are nobodies.

What’s my point? I have two. First, each of us — including the dozen or so other Lichtenbergians not listed here — are each other’s nobodies. We formed this Lichtenbergian Society without knowing that we were forming our very own scenius, where we could celebrate each other’s attempts/failures/successes, and have an AUDIENCE that might just care whether we even tried to write a novel or create an online course or redirect a business’s development model (using Lichtenbergianism of all things).

In other words, none of us created our various THINGS THAT WERE NOT in order to become rich and famous — and a good thing, too, since we haven’t — but because we sat in each other’s circles, we in fact created those things.

Second, it doesn’t matter if you’re a nobody. You can still write that novel or create that online course and redirect business models using Lichtenbergianism (hire me). No one is going to stop you.

Repeat: No one is going to stop you.

Because you’re a nobody.

Do it. (And find other nobodies to do it with.)

Here endeth the Lesson.