Well, this is awkward...

On Monday, after I had finished whining about my lack of productivity as a composer, I was minding my own business on Twitter when suddenly I was tagged by my friend Ada in a series of tweets talking about persons with ADHD managing their tasks:

Lichtenbergianism cover 8.5 x 8.jpg

Oh my. How very nice! She went on about Lichtenbergianism: procrastination as a creative strategy for another couple of tweets, and I was touched by her encomium.

Then the tweet started getting likes, and I started getting new followers, and wow—I didn’t realize that Ada has 13K followers, and quite a few of them were interested in my work. My book sales began to spike, and I started getting tweets and emails (!) asking if the book were available in in e-book form.


No, it was not, but now I have the instructions on how to do that and I will struggle mightily to get that done in the next few days.

If you don’t hear from me soon, send in the Assistive Felines™.

(And thank you again, Ada!)