Kids: Actual progress


I was as surprised as anyone last Thursday as I sat down at Backstreet Arts to work on the text for Lichtenbergianism for Kids and found that it was essentially done. All the words were there, it looked like.

So I printed out all 33 pages, punched holes in it, installed it in a notebook, found a red pen, and got to work.

On this first pass I was mostly looking for where I had veered from the tone I wanted to set for the AUDIENCE, i.e., curious 10–14-year-olds: chatty, a little snarky, and direct. I looked for vocabulary that might be too advanced. I added pronunciations (because who among us has not mispronounced a word we’d only encountered in print?).

It was not as bad as I had worried it might be, so that’s a good thing, I guess.

Next I will start working on illustrations and sidebars.

Or even look for an agent for this one? Nah.