I'm back...

Last week, as you will recall, I escaped to my second-favorite place on earth, the Grand Canyon.


(My favorite place on earth? My labyrinth.)

If you didn’t get the chance to read along with my adventures with my Lovely First Wife, head over to my personal blog.

It is somehow extremely Lichtenbergian that while on hiatus I wrote far more at my other blog that I would have if we had just stayed home. Note: This does not mean I will now write more on any platform.

Taking a break, either through TASK AVOIDANCE or ABANDONMENT, can be reinvigorating. This trip was a pure break for me; my brain did not immediately get busy working on all the projects I left behind. Other than a few, “Oh, I have to remember to get that done when I get back” moments, nothing about Lichtenbergianism for Kids or SIT/THINK or Ten Little Waltzes popped up at all.

I know better than to be worried about that. When one is not a creative genius, one is comfortable with the fact that the Work is not always there. Mozart would have gone nuts at the Canyon without pen and ink and paper to write down all the music that crammed his brain. Me? Meh.

Anyway, I’m home, and we will now resume our regularly scheduled blogposts.