Hey, buy this too...

I've had a Cafe Press store forever, mostly so I could make mugs and shirts for my own use. Their website is infuriatingly designed — the workflow is completely opaque, and the whole thing is set in what appears to be 6-point type — but I haven't found any site that's more convenient to produce what I want produced.  (I'd welcome suggestions in the comments.)

Anyway, with the release of the book it was time to turn my attention to the ballet I'm supposed to be writing for Paulo de Sousa's Southern Arc Dance Company, so of course TASK AVOIDANCE required that I create new products for the store instead.

You can go look for yourself here, but I think the big hit will be the bumper sticker:


What better way to let your neighbors know of your creative prowess, your procrastinatory abilities, and your overall coolness?

That's it for the shameless self-promotion for the time being. I promise I'll get back to blogging about Making the Thing That Is Not next week.


Feel free to leave comments on this or any other post!